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Russian cuisine is the traditional cuisine of our Russian peopleĀ .
It is very varied, filling, original and high in calories.
Soups, meat and fish dishes, drinks and snacks.
The peculiarities of Russian cuisine are connected with our climate conditions and geographical location. These are cold and long winters, short summers, mountains, forests, rivers.
That’s why the dishes were prepared so that they were filling and varied. Somewhere they used more meat, somewhere fish. The Russian stove was used as a cooking method. That’s why now we like to bake something in the oven.
Some of the main dishes:
- Roast
- Porridge
- Sauerkraut soup.
- Okroshka
- Ural dumplings
- Rasstegai
- Compote of berries and apples.
1. Roast meat ā probably everyone knows that this is a nutritious dish.

This is stewed meat with vegetables and potatoes with spices. You can add tomato paste. The dish is served in clay pots.
Ingredients: Pork, onions, carrots, bell peppers, potatoes, garlic, herbs, tomato paste.
2. Porridge is a dish prepared from cereals or seeds.

Porridges are prepared from buckwheat, millet, cereals, semolina, pearl barley, peas. They are boiled in milk, water, steamed with boiling water. Dried fruits and nuts, berries, pumpkin, honey, sugar, butter are added. Porridge recipes are varied, they improve bowel function and have a beneficial effect on bowel function.
3. Cabbage soup, a staple of Russian cuisine. It is made from sauerkraut.

Due to this, the soup acquires a sourish shade. Sometimes, sorrel is added to the soup. The recipe has not changed. Now, we also cook it, only on the stove, and not in a Russian oven.
Meat broth, sauerkraut, carrots, onions, garlic, potatoes, salt, black pepper, celery root, sour cream (for serving), herbs (for serving).
4. Okroshka is a traditional Russian dish, it is called cold soup.

Okroshka saves us in extreme heat. It is prepared after a long winter and fatty food, when you want something light.
Ingredients: Sausage or boiled meat, potatoes, fresh cucumber, radish, eggs, green onions, dill, salt, sour cream.
5. Ural dumplings ā this dish came to us from the Urals.

Pelmeni were popular for serving at festive tables. These are products made from unleavened dough, filled with meat or fish.
In Russia, many people love this dish. Each family has its own recipe.
The classic recipe is dumpling dough and minced pork.
Minced meat: Pork or beef pulp, onions, salt, black pepper, butter, sour cream for serving.
Dough: Flour, water, vegetable oil, salt.
6. Rasstegai is a Russian pirozhki made from rich, yeast dough, in the shape of a boat with a hole in the middle.

The fillings can be different: with apples, jam, fish, rice with meat, onions with carrots, mushrooms with potatoes.
Baked in the oven.
Dough: Flour, yeast, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, egg, butter.
Filling: meat, fish, mushrooms, rice, potatoes, jam, carrots, onions, apples, etc.
7. Berry and apple compote is a dessert drink made from berries, dried fruits, water and sugar.

A very healthy drink that Russian people indulge themselves with all year round.
In summer from fresh berries, in winter from frozen ones.
IngredientsĀ :
Blackberries, bird cherry, apples, chokeberries, raspberries, honeysuckle, strawberries, etc., water, sugar or fruit syrup.
Any national cuisine is rich in its own national recipes, which have been passed down from generation to generation.
Our Russian cuisine has been developing over thousands of years.
Bon appetit!