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Babaganoush Recipe – The GialloZafferano Recipe

Babaganoush is a appetizers iconic of Middle Eastern and North African cuisine, known for its rich, spicy flavor and velvety texture. The culinary tradition of these countries includes a wide use of eggplantin particular their reduction into puree. This dish is prepared in a few simple steps, obtaining a result with a unique and strong flavour: after cooking the aubergines in the oven, simply extract the pulp, season it with oil, salt and pepper and flavor it with lemon juice, a wedge of garlic and tahini. Tahini is another typical Middle Eastern cream, prepared with sesame seeds, which are ground and processed until obtaining a thick cream, used in the preparation of various condiments and sauces such as hummus. After mixing everything together, finish with a sprinkling of chopped mint leaves, to give a fresh note to this appetizer with a strong flavour. Also called aubergine caviar, it is ideal to accompany falafelthe typical meatballs made with chopped broad beans or chickpeas, or with traditional breads such as pita and naan. With babaganoush you will bring a mix of Mediterranean aromas to the table for a dinner from a thousand and one nights!
Also try our Italian babaganoush, a delicious variant without tahini!
The most traditional version of babaganoush involves cooking the whole aubergines until they are very soft, after which the pulp is crushed, not blended, and mixed with the other ingredients. This way you get a more rustic consistency.
Some add ingredients like parsley, cumin or other spices to customize the flavor.
If you want to make tahini at home you can follow the recipe found here: hummus