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What are the benefits of beetroot?
In addition to giving your juice a beautiful color, beets also bring many benefits to the body, such as strengthening muscles, helping to control blood pressure and being rich in vitamins A and C.

What are the benefits of lemon?
In terms of benefits, lemon is not far behind beetroot, and serves as a great supplement that helps eliminate toxins from the body, especially after ingesting fatty foods and alcohol.
Complete article

3 or 4 beets (about 600 g), 2 clove lemons and 13 cardamoms, whole and unpeeled.

1st Step
Soak the cardamoms in water for at least 3 hours.

2nd Step
Clean the beets, cut into sticks and refrigerate well so that the juice is cold.

3rd Step
Wash the lemons well with the peel.

4th Step
Pass the beets through the centrifuge and add the cardamoms little by little. Add the unpeeled and freshly cut lemons. Serve the juice very cold in liqueur glasses.
Complete recipe

See also: Carrot and beetroot juice
Learn how to make another delicious and refreshing juice and discover the benefits of carrots.
Recipe here

Jaboticaba bark tea
This tea is super easy to prepare and only requires two ingredients. Check out this simple recipe and see the benefits of jabuticaba peel.
Recipe here