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easy, greedy and colorful leavened Carnival sweet donuts

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Sweet donuts are a delicious dessert perfect for Carnival and for any occasion when you need a cheerful and colorful sweet. The protagonists of the perfect success of these sweet donuts are the products PANEANGELIalways my ally, synonymous with quality and guarantee. Sweet donuts are a very easy leavened product, they come out well even without using a planetary mixer and are truly delicious. They can be cooked either in the oven or fried and I opted for the latter solution because we know that at Carnival every fried food is worth it. Soft, colourful, excellent for a snack or a delicious breakfast.
Try them because they are delicious.
Also try:

For the donuts
60 g butter (or 60 g of sunflower seed oil)
7 g Mastro Fornaio PANEANGELI brewer’s yeast
6 teaspoons PANEANGELI lemon extract
3 teaspoons anise liqueur (or rum or grappa)
For icing and decoration
250 g PANEANGELI icing sugar
100 g PANEANGELI rainbow sprinkles
Doses varied for
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