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How to clean kitchen cabinets of grease

Kitchen cabinets are one of the places in the house that constantly need thorough cleaning. With its cooking and preparation, various stains can form, the most persistent being sticky and unsightly greasy stains near the cooking surface.
Of course, prevention is half the battle for stains as well, but with daily cooking and other duties, it is not difficult to create these persistent yellow stains.
Ideally, the cabinets, especially those close to the eyes and the oven, should be thoroughly cleaned on the outside every 15 days. And this is because the older the greasy stains are, the more difficult they are to remove. In any case, with a little extra effort and a little time, all greasy stains can be removed from kitchen cabinets using the right materials.
Hot water and dish soap Dish soap is usually an alkaline based product that effectively dissolves grease, especially when mixed with hot water. Dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of liquid dish soap in a bucket of very hot water. Stick to very hot water as this is what will help break down the fats. If necessary, wear thick plastic gloves. Use a simple sponge and with gentle and circular movements rub the spots stained with greasy stains. It’s important that the water is hot throughout the process, so if you see it losing its temperature just change it. After the stains are removed, rinse and dry your cabinet with a soft cloth to make it shine.
Vinegar and vinegar again Vinegar is one of the most basic natural cleaners in general at home and in the kitchen and for greasy stubborn stains. Mix a solution of 50/50 vinegar and warm water and put it in a spray bottle. Spray the affected areas and let the mixture sit for 1-2 minutes. With a cloth moistened with warm water that we have sealed well, we gently wipe the cabinet and insist on the places where we see the greasy stains. For particularly stubborn stains, you can either add a few drops of dishwashing detergent to the water and vinegar mixture, or make a paste of vinegar and salt. With a sponge or a soft brush, rub and remove stubborn stains.
Oil for greasy stains Hard and stubborn greasy stains can also be treated with oil. Either olive oil or some other oil will help clean your cabinets. Simply mix 1 part oil with 2 parts baking soda in a small bowl. Apply the mixture to your cabinets with a cloth or sponge. Scrub the area with a soft sponge, rinse with clean water and dry with a soft cloth.See also how to properly clean your refrigerator.