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Ideas for snacks during the day

Snacking You may have heard that snacking during the day needs attention, and indeed it is, because many times we can get carried away with either the quantity or the quality. Most of the time a small healthy snack between main meals can be a smart idea. And when the habit of snacking between meals is done in a controlled manner, it is not bad, nor unhealthy. After all, nutritionists declare that 5 meals a day must be eaten, in order to have the necessary energy. The important thing in the whole case is to choose snacks that are beneficial for our body and to consume them in the right quantities. A smart idea is to prepare 2-3 homemade snacks every week so that they are available when they are needed! The same snacks can also be eaten at work or school!
Smart ideas for snacks during the day We start with the traditional rice pudding. Milk and rice cooked sweetly in a delicious cream like no other! Increase the sugar to give it the sweetness you want, or get rid of the extra calories by replacing it with a non-caloric sweetener. The breadcrumbs it’s always an easy and delicious option. They can be combined with some dip or a piece of cheese and make a satisfying light meal.
If you have these cheese balls ready in your fridge, snaking will never get boring. Next to a bowl of vegetables or plain, they will fill you up and offer your body a rich range of nutrients.
When you are at home there is nothing better than preparing one smoothies with low-fat yogurt.
The cereal bars they call snacks! Ideal to take them with you to work, school, travel or for a walk. Satisfying and rich in nutrients, one could call them the ideal snack!
Tradition has taken care of everything, even the super food of taste. That’s why pasteli is an ideal snack for the whole day!
What is the snack you make most often?