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8 Sep 2022 | Comments 0
Materials:- Lote fish, kachur lati, whole white cumin seeds, bay leaf, chopped onion, ginger paste, garlic paste, turmeric powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, red chilli powder, garam masala powder, salt, sugar.
Procedure:- Wash the fishes in flour and put salt and turmeric on them, cut a lot of leaves and steam them in hot water. Heat oil in a pan and add whole white cumin seeds and bay leaves. When the smell starts coming out, keep frying with chopped onions. Add turmeric powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, red chilli powder and stir fry ginger-garlic batter. In between, mix the whole thing gently with little lathi. Now cover with salt, sugar and fish pieces and cook for a while. When cooked, sprinkle garam masala powder and coriander leaves and serve.