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Paccheri gorgonzola and pepper recipe with red prawns

The gorgonzola and pepper paccheri with red prawns are an example of a fusion of flavors that enhances the union between land and sea. At the base of this appetizing first course there are paccheri, a generously sized pasta capable of capturing and retaining the flavors of the sauce in a sublime way. But the real secret of this creation is hidden in the sauce: the gorgonzola cheese, with its enveloping creaminess and strong character, blends harmoniously with the delicacy of the red prawnscreating a perfect balance. The intense aroma of the cheese spreads delicately, accompanied by aromatic notes of ground and toasted black pepper, which adds a touch of liveliness to the dish. Try making gorgonzola and pepper paccheri with red prawns at home!
Before consuming raw, marinated or not perfectly cooked fish, it is recommended to freeze for at least 96 hours at -18 degrees in a domestic freezer marked with 3 or more stars, as per guidelines from the Ministry of Health.