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Pasta with chartreuse and lemon cream
Pasta with chartreuse and lemon cream. I love enveloping, creamy and above all very easy to make first courses, the ones you make in an instant and without stressing yourself out too much and which bring flavor and joy to the table! A few days ago I was knocked out due to the flu, but I had to put lunch on the table and so without thinking too much, I put the water on the stove for the pasta, I picked two organic lemons in the garden, I opened two packs of Certosa Galbani 165g (which is never missing in my fridge) and in an instant I seasoned some amazing spaghetti which I ended up with parmesan and pink pepper. In just a few moves I brought a creamy, fragrant and delicious first course to the table which my loved ones devoured, to be honest they even asked for an encore! Do you know what? The recipe was so simple and tasty, that the next day my son told me to rest and that he would prepare the same lemon pasta as the day before: you won’t believe it, but even he who rarely cooks, prepared the pasta with chartreuse cream and lemon impeccably!! Let’s go to the kitchen, I’ll tell you the recipe, but first I remind you that if you want to stay updated on all my recipes, you can follow my Facebook page (here), my Instagram profile (here)
Do you love the scent of lemon? Also look:

Ingredients for making pasta with chartreuse and lemon cream
400 g pasta (bronze spaghetti or linguine)
1 lemons (organic, just the zest)
330 g Galbani Charterhouse (growth)
60 loaves grated parmesan (or grain)
Steps to make creamy pasta with chartreuse and lemon
How to make pasta with chartreuse cream and lemon
Prepare only the quantity of pasta you intend to consume, any leftover pasta will go in the fridge for a maximum of 24 hours and you will have to sauté it in the pan for a few minutes, adding a little water, before consuming it.
If you want to stay updated on my recipes, follow me on:
pinterest, you tube, twitter And tiktok.
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Published by ilcaldosaporedelsud
Hello, my name is Fernanda, I am Sicilian from Catania and I was born in 1980. I have a splendid team made up of my husband and three wonderful children. When I’m bored or sad I don’t waste time, I twist my sleeves and then run to the kitchen to prepare something good and tasty. In my blog you will find a wide variety of recipes, from the simplest to the most elaborate, from the most delicious to the more daily ones to prepare a meal in a simple, practical and tasty way, but you will also find light recipes for when you need to get back into shape… In short, a cooking diary suitable for every need, what are you waiting for then? Let’s go to the kitchen and prepare something good together!! Show more articles
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