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Artichokes pickled in oil are the ultimate appetizer in the Cyclades, Crete and the Peloponnese.
Choose tender artichokes and clean them carefully.
Fill a large bowl with cold water and squeeze in the 3 lemons.
Cut the cleaned artichokes in half or into quarters and put them in the bowl with the water and lemon. We do this so they don’t oxidize and turn black. Artichokes blacken almost immediately but also stain hands so use gloves when cleaning.
Put the oil, vinegar and lemon in a deep and narrow saucepan and let them come to a boil. Lower the heat until the liquid simmers.
Drain from the lemon water and put them in the liquid that is simmering on a low heat, just enough to sizzle. We leave them for 2-3′ depending on their size.
Remove from the fire. Be careful not to boil too much and melt, so a low heat is needed.
We will use a large sterile jar.
Put the artichokes in the jar, add some salt, peppercorns and optionally add lemon slices.
If you want, add some herb such as dill, fennel or fresh thyme.
Pour over the liquid from the pot and cover them.
The artichokes should be below the liquid level. Be fully covered. If necessary, add a little extra oil to fill the jar.
Seal the jar and turn it upside down on the kitchen counter until it cools completely
They are kept for many months in a cool place. After opening the jar, they are kept in the refrigerator.
Serve as an appetizer on a plate and sprinkle with a little olive oil.
They are ideal for salad with eggs or chopped in lettuce salad, in Russian salad and in tzatziki.
If the artichokes are tender, they don’t need a long scalding time because they will melt. If the stalks are very tender, keep them in the recipe. When they are very ripe, they want a cleaning that is good for their heart and a little more boiling time.