Everyone loves pizza. But if a whole pizza is too much for you or if you just want something new, pizza rolls are great. Pizza rolls are also a hit at every party as a snack. But be careful: just as quickly as they are made, they disappear in your mouth.
Classic pizza rolls are out Pizza dough and are served in the pizzeria as a side dish to salad or as an appetizer together with herb butter. Of course you can also make them yourself. A yeast dough is made for this purpose. Here you can use a dough for pizza as a base. The dough will beFormed into rolls and cut into equal-sized pieces. Then the rolls are placed on the tray and served 200°C approximately 15 to 20 minutes baked. Afterwards you can enjoy them plain, together with herb butter or a dip, preferably warm. Almost like in the pizzeria. If you want, you can of course fill the rolls before baking. Here you can let your imagination run wild. For example, rolls taste good filled with ham and cheese or vegetarian with tomatoes and mozzarella.
Tip: If you have leftover pizza rolls, you can reheat them in the oven the next day at around 100 degrees.
Alternatively, you can use ready-made roll halves, which are then lavishly topped with typical pizza ingredients, such as tomato sauce, salami, minced meat, vegetables and cheese.
Pizza dough (basic recipe)
90 mins 416 kcal
Italian Main course Savory pies – pizza Bake Grain
How many pizza rolls do you expect per person?
That depends on how big the pizza rolls are, how and whether they are topped and whether there are other side dishes, such as salad. If there are no side dishes and the bun halves are lavishly topped, you can expect four to six bun halves per person.
Pizza rolls: Which flour goes into the dough?
For classic pizza, flour with type number 405 is used because it is particularly fine and easy to grip. If you prefer, you can also use whole wheat flour.
Pizza rolls: Which cheese goes with it?
Which cheese to use depends on personal preference. Mozzarella, Parmesan or Gouda are suitable varieties for pizza rolls. But you can also use other varieties, such as Gorgonzola or goat cheese. Anything that tastes good and cooks in the oven is allowed.
What goes well with pizza rolls?
Pizza rolls go best with light salads, such as green salads and tomato salad, as well as dips based on yoghurt, avocado or hummus. Dips go particularly well with pizza rolls, which are not lavishly topped but, in classic Italian style, consist only of pure yeast dough. We have delicious recipe ideas for you!
Wonderfully creamy with sour cream dressing, cress and chives. And radishes provide a slight spiciness. Viennese style meat sausage goes well with it.
Dips are a party component in many country cuisines. While dip recipes based on yoghurt or quark are very popular here, South Americans like salsa or an avocado dip. Soy sauce or peanuts can be found in Asian dips.
Here comes competition for the delivery service and frozen goods – because homemade pizza is baked faster than you think! We show the basic recipe for pizza dough with and without yeast and reveal delicious pizza recipes for a variety of toppings!
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Party snacks: the best recipes
The next party is just around the corner. The guests are invited, the music is selected. Now all you need are suitable party snack recipes: small nibbles, puff pastries, delicious pastries and tasty soups. This will make the party a complete success!