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Ricotta and lemon muffin recipe

To make the ricotta and lemon muffins, first break the eggs into a large bowl, add the sugar 1 and lemon zest 2. Whip the mixture with an electric whisk and slowly add the seed oil 3.

At this point, add the well-drained ricotta 4 and lemon juice 5. Now also pour in the flour and yeast, sifting them through a sieve 6.

Beat again with an electric whisk to obtain a homogeneous mixture without lumps 7. Transfer the dough into a piping bag without a nozzle 8 9.

Line a 12 muffin mold with paper liners and squeeze the mixture with a piping bag up to 2/3 of the edge. 10. Cover with flaked almonds 11 and cook in a preheated static oven at 180° for 18-20 minutes. Once cooked, take the ricotta and lemon muffins out of the oven and let them cool before serving. 12.